Next Sign Up and Parent Board Members Needed

Last night we had a great turnout and it was great to see everyone. If you didn’t get a chance to register last night the NEXT opportunity to register for the swim team is Tuesday, May 28th at 4pm at Washington Park pool

Thanks to everyone who stepped up to help out with our many volunteer positions.  We could still use some parents on our Parents' Board.  Meetings have typically been held during an evening practice during the swim season, with perhaps a meeting or two before the first meet. The Board coordinates the work of swim team (all those volunteer jobs!) so that our coaches can focus on coaching and does important things like choosing and paying for the coaches' gifts and other work to support the coaches and swimmers.  If you're interested, reply to this email.

If you didn't get a chance to sign  up for summer jobs, the link is below -- do it quick before someone gets the job you like best!

Sign up for meet-related jobs

OPT OUT of a meet

Directions to meets

Go Swordfish!

Swordfish Leadership Positions

As we get ready for the new season, we want to invite parents to take on leadership positions with the team.  As you know, it takes a lot of parents to make a meet run smoothly.  Some of the parent positions require some training.  We need to identify parents willing to take a few hours for the training and certification to make sure that we have enough volunteers to cover all of the positions needed.  We'd love to have new parents step up and help out.  It's a great way to get involved with the team.  We need meet directors, computer operators, stroke & turn judges, head of table, and starters.  If you are interested in any of those positions, please reply to this email (It won't go to everyone!)  Training information about some of these positions is at the bottom of the email.  We can get you information about others. 

Additionally, we will be hold elections via email for new parent board members.  Please speak up if you'd like to be treasurer, president, vice president or secretary by replying to this email.  It's a fun way to get involved. More information will come out about this in the next week. 

Finally, EVERY can sign up for swim meet volunteer positions starting now!  It helps enormously if you can go ahead and sign up for the summer.  That saves the volunteer coordinator's time in making sure all the positions are filled, and gives you the ability to make sure you get your favorite job. 

Time to sign up for the City Swordfish!

I am excited about the summer season ahead! We will be having our parent orientation and the first opportunity to register at 6:00pm on May 15th at Washington Park Pool.

We will be offering a team suit through Rivanna Gear again this year. You can go to the store and purchase a suit now or wait until the 15th when Susan Turner (from Rivanna Gear) will be at our meeting.

With our ever growing team, discussions have taken place to safeguard the total number allowed to register due to overcrowding – especially in the evenings. We expect many new swimmers to join our team. This past year 46 new swimmers joined our team – this type of increase is expected again. Please make every attempt to register early.  

May 15th is the first opportunity to register and then again during practices ONLY at Washington Park. We are excited to have new members, but once we hit the maximum limit, registration will be closed.  We would hate to have to turn away old members!

Looking forward to seeing each of you and seeing how much the kids have grown this past year!

 Coach Andrea