Wednesday meet against Farmington

This week, we will be swimming against Farmington at Farmington.  Swimmers need to be at the pool by 5:00 pm.  Warm ups will start at 5:30, beginning with the 10 and unders.   Coach Andrea wants to remind us all that if the 10 & unders miss their warm up time, they cannot warm up with the older swimmers.  Warm ups are especially important in swimming as it gives the swimmers an opportunity to get used to a new pool.  They are critical for those swimming backstroke so that they they can count their strokes  in each pool.  The coaches hope to see all swimmers at their warms up ready to hit the water -- caps and googles on, events marked on their hands with Sharpie.  

The Farmington team tells us we can park in the circle in front of the pool and along the roads.  As a special treat, they supply ice cream sandwiches to all the swimmers at the end of the meet.  If there are younger swimmers leaving early, they will have some at the halfway mark as well.  Swimmers, be sure to thank Farmington for their hospitality.  

Most of our volunteer jobs are filled -- thanks to everyone for signing up early.  We still need some volunteer check-in assistants and second half timers, so if you haven't signed up, please take a look at the remaining jobs.  Look for the volunteer check in table when you arrive so that the volunteer coordinator knows you're here!

Thanks to everyone.  Fingers crossed for clear skies Wednesday night ...