Hello Swordfish swimmers and families!
This week, we are swimming at Fry's Spring Beach Club. Swimmers will need to be at the pool by 4:45, with goggles & caps & Sharpie to write events on your hand. Directions to the pool can be found here.
The FSBC sends the following information:
When you arrive at the pool, you'll see that our main parking lot is reserved for your team. Our own team will be parking on the grass lot on the right.
Your team can set up on the hill by the middle pool, just to the left of the sidewalk as you come down the hill. Another good spot is in the shade, by the tennis courts - just to the right of the sidewalk after you enter the gate.
Note that the FSBC pool is 50 meters long. This means that the 8 & unders who swim 25 meters will have to stop at a rope placed at 25 meters. Coaches will be at that point to assist the swimmers.
Where can I get Swordfish caps and t-shirts? If all goes well, we'll have them by the end of next week.
NOTE: Next week's meet is TUESDAY, July 2 (at home). Remember, please, that if your swimmer is not going to be here for next week's meet, use the opt-out link to let the coaches know by 11 a.m. on Friday.
As usual, check out the sign up genius and make sure you're signed up for a job. Thanks!
Swim Fast!! GO SWORDFISH!!!!