After Meet 6, getting ready for CHAMPS!

What a great end to our season! Our swimmers swam HARD in the heat, the coaches did their usual fabulous job, and many parents worked &sweated to make the meet run smoothly. Sheesh, it was hot, wasn't it? Everyone deserves congratulations for pulling together to end our season on such a strong note. 

If your kids are not swimming at Champs, swim practice is now over. The next all-team events will be the Banquet and Family Fun Swims. The banquet will be July 30 (Tuesday) at the Herman Key Recreational Center from 6-8:30.  It's potluck - we ask that families bring a side dish and a dessert that will feed 8. The City provides the main dishes & drinks.  Please sign up by July 25 so we know how many to plan for: Click here if you are attending the banquet.

If your swimmers will be attending Champs, practices continue. There will also be a MANDATORY meeting for CHAMPS families next Wednesday, July 24 at 6:15 pm at the Herman Key Rec Center.(It's air conditioned!!)  From 6:15-7, Andrea will meet with the parents to distribute the wristbands needed for swimmers to enter the AFC for the Champs meet and provide needed information. During this time, the swimmers will make posters.  At 7, we'll have a pancake supper. The city will provide pancakes and drinks (with the coaches cooking!). If parents could bring fruit salad, watermelon slices and other food that goes with pancakes, it would be terrific. No practice on Wednesday! 

Some lost and found -- a girl's swimsuit was left at Hollymead. Think it might be yours?  Respond to this email!  And one of our swimmers left an iPod in the grassy area.

Finally, we know you are all looking forward to swim season 2014!  In order to be better prepared next year, we'd love to compile a list of parents interested in doing some of the jobs that require training.  These include stroke and turn judges, meet director, computer operator, and referee. We'd also love to have a list of folks interested in some of the key positions -- volunteer coordinator, parents' board, assisting at clerk of the course. If you think you might be interested, respond to this email. That way, when the JSL organizes these trainings and the City team starts gearing up for the season, we can get these key positions up and running quickly.  Also, did something drive you nuts this year?  Have an idea about how we can improve what we do?  Let us know!