Home meet against Culpeper this Wednesday

 We are looking forward to hosting the Country Club of Culpeper,  This is their first year swimming with the JSL, so we want to make sure they feel especially welcome.  They've heard the rumors that we run an efficient meet with many friendly volunteers, so let's keep our reputation up.  Below is the usual information for home meets.  Please note that we are still short a number of jobs, particularly timers and concession stand workers,  Based on the business done last week, we expect that the concession stand will make the team a good amount of money. Please sign up as soon as possible -- it saves Meghan Eddy, our tireless volunteer coordinator,  a lot of stress to be able to see who will be available for jobs!  
Also, Cherry Stewert is selling heat sheet ads. The money earned on those ads is returned to the team as well. Please look for Cherry at practices to get your ad placed. Hint:  this is a great way for grandparents to send a note of encouragement to their special swimmers at CHAMPS.  
And speaking of CHAMPS ... more information will be coming soon, but be ready!  New parents, ALL swimmers swim at CHAMPS -- not just selected swimmers.  We need as many swimmers as possible to earn as many points as possible!  Our division ranking for next season is not based on how well we perform in the dual meet season, but how well we do at CHAMPS. 
What time do my swimmers need to be at the pool? 
Please have your swimmer at the pool with googles and cap on, ready to swim by 4:30.  We will warm up first.  Note that no one will be allowed in the pool before 4:15 to allow for enough time to clean up before the meet.  
What do I need to bring? 
Cap and googles, your swimmer, towels, warm clothes to wear between events, a Sharpie to write your swimmer's events on her or his hand. Your own chairs will make you more comfortable.  Remember, if you erect a tent, please be mindful of the space you are taking.  Do not erect a tent near the edge of the pool blocking the view. Share your space, realizing that there isn't enough space if every family were to bring a tent. We will have concessions this week -- sno cones, hot dogs, hamburgers, salads, candy and more.  Proceeds go to the team's parents committee.  
Where do I park? 
Parking for home meets is always an issue.  The City Recreation director makes the following request: In the past, we have received complaints from the Washington Park Pool neighborhood concerning swim meet patrons parking in front of homes on Charlton and Henry Avenue.  We are asking for voluntary compliance with not parking along Henry or Charlton Avenue.  You may park in the upper or lower Washington Park lots (upper located next to pool on 10th St, lower accessed from Preston Ave across from Madison Ave).[editors note:  visiting team only please!]  You may also park at Burley Middle School at Henry Street and Rose Hill Drive.  The police will be enforcing parking laws will necessary and will offer assistance.  Out of respect for the neighborhood residents, we ask both teams to consider that you may be inconveniencing a homeowner when parking.  Thank you and best of luck!
As a team, we ask that City families park at Burley Middle School and leave the Washington Park lots to the visiting teams if at all possible.  We will have volunteers stationed at the parking lots to remind Swordfish families to park at Burley.  Remember, we warm up first, so those spaces will likely be available when we arrive -- we don't want to leave our guests without parking.
How do I sign up for volunteer jobs?  
I'm so glad you asked!  We still need some help.  Use the  signup genius link in the footer of this email.  All families are expected to provide one person to work at least half of every meet.  If you have special needs (young kids, physical limitations, etc) there is still lots you can do to help out, so contact us.  Remember, if you aren't working at the meet, it is likely that there is a family doing double duty in your place.  
All timers and potential timers, please take a few minutes and watch the timing video that JSL has made:  http://www.jsl.org/support-timers.htm
As in years past, we'll have a volunteer check in table at the entrance.  Please stop by and say hi so that we know you've arrived and are ready to work.