Good Job at Champs & Potluck Banquet

You guys did great at Champs!  We came in 8th overall, solidly in Division II (woo-hoo!!) and are the Division II runners up for the season!  Awesome!

At the end of each session, swimmers are awarded a "Highpoint Award" for winning the most points in the session. Bracken Eddy and Ashley Huang each won for their session.  Good work! 

Our End-of-Season Potluck Banquet Dinner is at the Key Center on 800 E. Market Street at 6 PM (map). We ask that each family bring a side dish AND a dessert to serve 8 people.  Please don't arrive early - the space will be in use until just before 6.

See everyone tomorrow ready to celebrate our success and thank our AMAZING coaches.