We hope everyone weathered the storm ok! Remember, the meet this week is on TUESDAY at home, against Greene Hills. As last time, please try to park at Burley Middle School (map), leaving the Washington Park upper and lower parking for our guests. In the interest of community relations, refrain from parking on the residential streets, even in legal spots.
Please have your swimmers at the pool by 4:30 for warm ups, with goggles and caps on, and events sharpied on hands (it's helpful to add the heat as well as the event number if you can).
Thanks for the additional job sign ups. Amy is sleeping better. We still have a few spots open so take a look if you're not signed up already. Remember that we will be doing an orientation for TIMERS, RUNNERS, and CLERKS before the meet. Remember, too, that if you are a second half worker, you need to listen for the change over. It's usually around the beginning of backstroke events. We'll send someone around with the megaphone warning you, but you'll have to pay attention as well, as it's easy to miss announcements in the chaos of meets. First half workers, man/woman your stations until your second half relief arrives! Send word if you are not relieved, and we'll figure it out for you as quickly as we can.
Team Picture Day is next Monday, July 9 at Washington Park Pool, 6 PM. Please try to arrive as early as possible wearing your team suit (or a plain black suit).
Speaking of suits, several parents have contacted the Parents Committee seeking to buy or sell used suits. Rather than handle this through emails, we are going to ask parents to post a small notice on the team bulletin board at the pool.