What a great end to our season! Our swimmers swam HARD in the heat, the coaches did their usual fabulous job, and many parents worked &sweated to make the meet run smoothly. Sheesh, it was hot, wasn't it? Everyone deserves congratulations for pulling together to end our season on such a strong note.
If your kids are not swimming at Champs, swim practice is now over. The next all-team events will be the Banquet and Family Fun Swims. The banquet will be July 30 (Tuesday) at the Herman Key Recreational Center from 6-8:30. It's potluck - we ask that families bring a side dish and a dessert that will feed 8. The City provides the main dishes & drinks. Please sign up by July 25 so we know how many to plan for: Click here if you are attending the banquet.
If your swimmers will be attending Champs, practices continue. There will also be a MANDATORY meeting for CHAMPS families next Wednesday, July 24 at 6:15 pm at the Herman Key Rec Center.(It's air conditioned!!) From 6:15-7, Andrea will meet with the parents to distribute the wristbands needed for swimmers to enter the AFC for the Champs meet and provide needed information. During this time, the swimmers will make posters. At 7, we'll have a pancake supper. The city will provide pancakes and drinks (with the coaches cooking!). If parents could bring fruit salad, watermelon slices and other food that goes with pancakes, it would be terrific. No practice on Wednesday!
Some lost and found -- a girl's swimsuit was left at Hollymead. Think it might be yours? Respond to this email! And one of our swimmers left an iPod in the grassy area.
Finally, we know you are all looking forward to swim season 2014! In order to be better prepared next year, we'd love to compile a list of parents interested in doing some of the jobs that require training. These include stroke and turn judges, meet director, computer operator, and referee. We'd also love to have a list of folks interested in some of the key positions -- volunteer coordinator, parents' board, assisting at clerk of the course. If you think you might be interested, respond to this email. That way, when the JSL organizes these trainings and the City team starts gearing up for the season, we can get these key positions up and running quickly. Also, did something drive you nuts this year? Have an idea about how we can improve what we do? Let us know!
MEET this Wednesday, @home vs. ACAC
This week, we will swim at home against ACAC.
What time do my swimmers need to be at the pool?
Please have your swimmer at the pool with googles and cap on, ready to swim by 4:30. We will warm up first. Note that no one will be allowed in the pool before 4:15 to allow for enough time to clean up before the meet.
What do I need to bring?
Cap and goggles, your swimmer, towels, warm clothes to wear between events, a Sharpie to write your swimmer's events on her or his hand. Healthy dinner and snacks and your own chairs are always helpful. Remember, if you erect a tent, please be mindful of the space you are taking. Do not erect a tent near the edge of the pool blocking the view. Share your space, realizing that there isn't enough space if every family were to bring a tent.
Where do I park?
Parking for home meets is always an issue. The City Recreation director makes the following request: In the past, we have received complaints from the Washington Park Pool neighborhood concerning swim meet patrons parking in front of homes on Charlton and Henry Avenue. We are asking for voluntary compliance with not parking along Henry or Charlton Avenue. You may park in the upper or lower Washington Park lots (upper located next to pool on 10th St, lower accessed from Preston Ave across from Madison Ave). You may also park at Burley Middle School at Henry Street and Rose Hill Drive. The police will be enforcing parking laws will necessary and will offer assistance. Out of respect for the neighborhood residents, we ask both teams to consider that you may be inconveniencing a homeowner when parking. Thank you and best of luck!
As a team, we ask that City families park at Burley Middle School and leave the Washington Park lots to the visiting teams. We will have a volunteer stationed in the parking lot to direct traffic and help enforce the parking request.
How do I volunteer?
Please check the sign up genius link below. We still need a few jobs filled. Each home meet, we receive compliments for running a smooth meet with excellent hospitality. It's the many hardworking parent volunteers that makes our meets run well!
UVA Champs Volunteer Update from Meghan Eddy:
Way to go City...we only need 15 more volunteer slots filled. Here is what we still need. Sign up now to get the best viewing spot at Champs! Volunteering on deck is where to be. We must have all slots filled an turned in to the JSL. If your child is swimming at the JSL Champs Meet, you are expected to volunteer for one session. If the session your child is swimming fills up with volunteers, but you still want to help, just let me know. We will ask the JSL what is needed and find you a volunteer position to be near the action!!
Here is the link to the sign up.
*There are 4 sessions -
Fri. Afternoon (12:00 PM – 2:30PM)
6yrs old and Under Swimmer Session-Males and Females
NEED 6 more Volunteers
Fri Evening (2:30 PM – 9:00PM)
9-10yr old Males and 13yr old and Older Male and Female Swimmers
NEED 6 more Volunteers
Sat Morning (7:30 AM - 12:00PM)
7 and 8-yr old Male and Female Swimmers
NEED 2 more Volunteers
Saturday PM (12:00PM – 5:30PM)
11-12 yr old Males and Females and 9-10 year old Females
NEED 1 more Volunteer
****** ALL TIMES ARE TENTATIVE at this point!! Better time estimates will be available the week before Champs. Any questions, e-mail Meghan Eddy. She will be walking around at practice and the meets until all positions are filled.
Thanks and GO SWORDFISH!!
To sign up for meet-related jobs
To OPT OUT of a meet
What time do my swimmers need to be at the pool?
Please have your swimmer at the pool with googles and cap on, ready to swim by 4:30. We will warm up first. Note that no one will be allowed in the pool before 4:15 to allow for enough time to clean up before the meet.
What do I need to bring?
Cap and goggles, your swimmer, towels, warm clothes to wear between events, a Sharpie to write your swimmer's events on her or his hand. Healthy dinner and snacks and your own chairs are always helpful. Remember, if you erect a tent, please be mindful of the space you are taking. Do not erect a tent near the edge of the pool blocking the view. Share your space, realizing that there isn't enough space if every family were to bring a tent.
Where do I park?
Parking for home meets is always an issue. The City Recreation director makes the following request: In the past, we have received complaints from the Washington Park Pool neighborhood concerning swim meet patrons parking in front of homes on Charlton and Henry Avenue. We are asking for voluntary compliance with not parking along Henry or Charlton Avenue. You may park in the upper or lower Washington Park lots (upper located next to pool on 10th St, lower accessed from Preston Ave across from Madison Ave). You may also park at Burley Middle School at Henry Street and Rose Hill Drive. The police will be enforcing parking laws will necessary and will offer assistance. Out of respect for the neighborhood residents, we ask both teams to consider that you may be inconveniencing a homeowner when parking. Thank you and best of luck!
As a team, we ask that City families park at Burley Middle School and leave the Washington Park lots to the visiting teams. We will have a volunteer stationed in the parking lot to direct traffic and help enforce the parking request.
How do I volunteer?
Please check the sign up genius link below. We still need a few jobs filled. Each home meet, we receive compliments for running a smooth meet with excellent hospitality. It's the many hardworking parent volunteers that makes our meets run well!
UVA Champs Volunteer Update from Meghan Eddy:
Way to go City...we only need 15 more volunteer slots filled. Here is what we still need. Sign up now to get the best viewing spot at Champs! Volunteering on deck is where to be. We must have all slots filled an turned in to the JSL. If your child is swimming at the JSL Champs Meet, you are expected to volunteer for one session. If the session your child is swimming fills up with volunteers, but you still want to help, just let me know. We will ask the JSL what is needed and find you a volunteer position to be near the action!!
Here is the link to the sign up.
*There are 4 sessions -
Fri. Afternoon (12:00 PM – 2:30PM)
6yrs old and Under Swimmer Session-Males and Females
NEED 6 more Volunteers
Fri Evening (2:30 PM – 9:00PM)
9-10yr old Males and 13yr old and Older Male and Female Swimmers
NEED 6 more Volunteers
Sat Morning (7:30 AM - 12:00PM)
7 and 8-yr old Male and Female Swimmers
NEED 2 more Volunteers
Saturday PM (12:00PM – 5:30PM)
11-12 yr old Males and Females and 9-10 year old Females
NEED 1 more Volunteer
****** ALL TIMES ARE TENTATIVE at this point!! Better time estimates will be available the week before Champs. Any questions, e-mail Meghan Eddy. She will be walking around at practice and the meets until all positions are filled.
Thanks and GO SWORDFISH!!
To sign up for meet-related jobs
To OPT OUT of a meet
MEET: Tue. July 2, at home vs. Farmington
This week we swim at home against Farmington Country Club.
What time do my swimmers need to be at the pool?
Please have your swimmer at the pool with googles and cap on, ready to swim by 4:30. We will warm up first. Note that no one will be allowed in the pool before 4:15 to allow for enough time to clean up before the meet.
What do I need to bring?
Cap and googles, your swimmer, towels, warm clothes to wear between events, a Sharpie to write your swimmer's events on her or his hand. Healthy dinner and snacks and your own chairs are always helpful. Remember, if you erect a tent, please be mindful of the space you are taking. Do not erect a tent near the edge of the pool blocking the view. Share your space, realizing that there isn't enough space if every family were to bring a tent.
Where do I park?
Parking for home meets is always an issue. The City Recreation director makes the following request: In the past, we have received complaints from the Washington Park Pool neighborhood concerning swim meet patrons parking in front of homes on Charlton and Henry Avenue. We are asking for voluntary compliance with not parking along Henry or Charlton Avenue. You may park in the upper or lower Washington Park lots (upper located next to pool on 10th St, lower accessed from Preston Ave across from Madison Ave). You may also park at Burley Middle School at Henry Street and Rose Hill Drive. The police will be enforcing parking laws will necessary and will offer assistance. Out of respect for the neighborhood residents, we ask both teams to consider that you may be inconveniencing a homeowner when parking. Thank you and best of luck!
As a team, we ask that City families park at Burley Middle School and leave the Washington Park lots to the visiting teams if at all possible.
How do I sign up for volunteer jobs?
I'm so glad you asked! We still need some help. Use the signup genius. We could also use some committee help during the week, so please email swordfishswimteam@gmail.com if you'd like to join the fun! All families are expected to provide one person to work at least half of every meet. If you have special needs (young kids, physical limitations, etc) there is still lots you can do to help out.
All timers and potential timers, please take a few minutes and watch the timing video that JSL has made.
Please check in at the volunteer table so we know you've arrived!
Sign up for meet-related jobs
OPT OUT of a meet
What time do my swimmers need to be at the pool?
Please have your swimmer at the pool with googles and cap on, ready to swim by 4:30. We will warm up first. Note that no one will be allowed in the pool before 4:15 to allow for enough time to clean up before the meet.
What do I need to bring?
Cap and googles, your swimmer, towels, warm clothes to wear between events, a Sharpie to write your swimmer's events on her or his hand. Healthy dinner and snacks and your own chairs are always helpful. Remember, if you erect a tent, please be mindful of the space you are taking. Do not erect a tent near the edge of the pool blocking the view. Share your space, realizing that there isn't enough space if every family were to bring a tent.
Where do I park?
Parking for home meets is always an issue. The City Recreation director makes the following request: In the past, we have received complaints from the Washington Park Pool neighborhood concerning swim meet patrons parking in front of homes on Charlton and Henry Avenue. We are asking for voluntary compliance with not parking along Henry or Charlton Avenue. You may park in the upper or lower Washington Park lots (upper located next to pool on 10th St, lower accessed from Preston Ave across from Madison Ave). You may also park at Burley Middle School at Henry Street and Rose Hill Drive. The police will be enforcing parking laws will necessary and will offer assistance. Out of respect for the neighborhood residents, we ask both teams to consider that you may be inconveniencing a homeowner when parking. Thank you and best of luck!
As a team, we ask that City families park at Burley Middle School and leave the Washington Park lots to the visiting teams if at all possible.
How do I sign up for volunteer jobs?
I'm so glad you asked! We still need some help. Use the signup genius. We could also use some committee help during the week, so please email swordfishswimteam@gmail.com if you'd like to join the fun! All families are expected to provide one person to work at least half of every meet. If you have special needs (young kids, physical limitations, etc) there is still lots you can do to help out.
All timers and potential timers, please take a few minutes and watch the timing video that JSL has made.
Please check in at the volunteer table so we know you've arrived!
Sign up for meet-related jobs
OPT OUT of a meet
MEET RESULTS: Wed. June 26, vs. Fry's Spring
Thanks to everyone for hanging in with the weather delays in this week's meet. We lost by ONE POINT! Wow! The swimmers did great work dealing with an unfamiliar pool. Thanks as usual to the coaches who put in an incredible amount of work. (I'm told that after the meet ended, they were at the clerk's table asking what they could do to help get the ribbons ready... Did you know that they help like that after every meet, staying a good while after parents and swimmers have packed up and headed to bed to make sure everything is set for the kids the next morning?) And thanks to the parents who worked hard to make sure the meet could run.
Remember, our next meet is TUESDAY JULY 2!! We will be swimming against Farmington Country Club. Please let the coaches know this morning if your swimmers CANNOT join us at the meet.
I hope everyone has their calendars marked for CHAMPS! Remember, everyone swims Champs! It's fun - like a dual meet on steroids! The meet takes place Friday July 26 and Saturday July 27. The meet is divided into sessions in which all events for specific age/gender groups are swum. The schedule isn't up on the website yet, but each child will need to be at Champs for only about a half-day.
We are currently selling heat sheet ads - look for a separate email on this topic. The ads (due by July 8) appear in the heat sheets for the meet. They can be anything from GO SWORDFISH to ads for a business. (HINT - this is a nice thing for grandparents to do - be sure to ask you family if they'd like to place an ad). A substantial portion of the revenue from these ads comes back to the team.
Also, the on-line Champs store is up on the website. You can buy heat sheets, t-shirts, and towels ahead of time and pick them up at the meet.
Sign up for meet-related jobs
OPT OUT of a meet
Directions to meets
Remember, our next meet is TUESDAY JULY 2!! We will be swimming against Farmington Country Club. Please let the coaches know this morning if your swimmers CANNOT join us at the meet.
I hope everyone has their calendars marked for CHAMPS! Remember, everyone swims Champs! It's fun - like a dual meet on steroids! The meet takes place Friday July 26 and Saturday July 27. The meet is divided into sessions in which all events for specific age/gender groups are swum. The schedule isn't up on the website yet, but each child will need to be at Champs for only about a half-day.
We are currently selling heat sheet ads - look for a separate email on this topic. The ads (due by July 8) appear in the heat sheets for the meet. They can be anything from GO SWORDFISH to ads for a business. (HINT - this is a nice thing for grandparents to do - be sure to ask you family if they'd like to place an ad). A substantial portion of the revenue from these ads comes back to the team.
Also, the on-line Champs store is up on the website. You can buy heat sheets, t-shirts, and towels ahead of time and pick them up at the meet.
Sign up for meet-related jobs
OPT OUT of a meet
Directions to meets
Hello Swordfish swimmers and families!
This week, we are swimming at Fry's Spring Beach Club. Swimmers will need to be at the pool by 4:45, with goggles & caps & Sharpie to write events on your hand. Directions to the pool can be found here.
The FSBC sends the following information:
When you arrive at the pool, you'll see that our main parking lot is reserved for your team. Our own team will be parking on the grass lot on the right.
Your team can set up on the hill by the middle pool, just to the left of the sidewalk as you come down the hill. Another good spot is in the shade, by the tennis courts - just to the right of the sidewalk after you enter the gate.
Note that the FSBC pool is 50 meters long. This means that the 8 & unders who swim 25 meters will have to stop at a rope placed at 25 meters. Coaches will be at that point to assist the swimmers.
Where can I get Swordfish caps and t-shirts? If all goes well, we'll have them by the end of next week.
NOTE: Next week's meet is TUESDAY, July 2 (at home). Remember, please, that if your swimmer is not going to be here for next week's meet, use the opt-out link to let the coaches know by 11 a.m. on Friday.
As usual, check out the sign up genius and make sure you're signed up for a job. Thanks!
Swim Fast!! GO SWORDFISH!!!!
This week, we are swimming at Fry's Spring Beach Club. Swimmers will need to be at the pool by 4:45, with goggles & caps & Sharpie to write events on your hand. Directions to the pool can be found here.
The FSBC sends the following information:
When you arrive at the pool, you'll see that our main parking lot is reserved for your team. Our own team will be parking on the grass lot on the right.
Your team can set up on the hill by the middle pool, just to the left of the sidewalk as you come down the hill. Another good spot is in the shade, by the tennis courts - just to the right of the sidewalk after you enter the gate.
Note that the FSBC pool is 50 meters long. This means that the 8 & unders who swim 25 meters will have to stop at a rope placed at 25 meters. Coaches will be at that point to assist the swimmers.
Where can I get Swordfish caps and t-shirts? If all goes well, we'll have them by the end of next week.
NOTE: Next week's meet is TUESDAY, July 2 (at home). Remember, please, that if your swimmer is not going to be here for next week's meet, use the opt-out link to let the coaches know by 11 a.m. on Friday.
As usual, check out the sign up genius and make sure you're signed up for a job. Thanks!
Swim Fast!! GO SWORDFISH!!!!
MEET RESULTS: Wed. June 19, vs. Boar's Head
Hello Swordfish Swimmers and Families!
To sign up for meet-related jobs: http://www.signupgenius.com/ go/10C0C48A4A82DA02-parent
To OPT OUT of a meet: http://tinyurl.com/ swordfishsignup
Directions to meets: http://www.jsl.org/teams.htm
I hope you have all recovered from our great meet at the Boar's Head Swim Club. That meet, like the first, was unscored so we don't have a winner to announce. The coaches and swimmers did great work, however. Thanks, too, to all the parents who volunteered their time.
Mark your calendars for our team photo: July 9 at 6 pm. We'll send out more reminders, but plan to be at the pool with your swimmer in a team suit for the photo.
Team towels - Orders are being taken through MONDAY for really lovely, large, thick, embroidered team towels that can be personalized with your swimmer's name. They cost $27 (a real bargain for the quality). See Leah Foradori at practice tomorrow and Monday to place your order.
The JSL is running a silent auction for two weekly ground passes for the Greenbrier Golf Tournament and Concert. Proceeds benefit the JSL. More information is available here: www.jsl.org Hurry -- bids being accepted through June 28.
Heat sheet ads are also being accepted. These ads are placed in the heat sheets that can be purchased at the Champs meet. You can place a business ad (so check with your favorite local businesses) or a personal message (great for parents and grandparents to cheer their swimmers!) The revenue from the ads placed by the City come back to the City Swim Team -- this is a significant fund raiser for our team. Please see Lori Hackney and Michele Rice at practices. You can download the heat sheet ad form here: http://www.jsl.org/ documents/information-champs- ad-order-form.htm
Meet jobs - We could use a few more stroke and turn judges. Hannah Catherine Monroe has gotten permission to have a session for new S&T judges in the next 10 days. If you are interested, please reply to this email. You will also need to complete the on-line S&T training at http://www.strokeandturn. com/ Those who wish to take the online Stroke and Turn Judge course may obtain a prepaid access key from Katy Mullin at techsupport@scitent.com by identifying themselves as JSL members. You should allow at least one business day to receive the key. Please do not obtain a key unless you intend to serve during the 2013 season. The keys cost JSL almost $12.00 each. You'll want to use a computer with a fast internet connection, as you'll need to download a number of videos.
Note that we need about 80 volunteers PER TEAM for each meet. We should have enough parents so that no one needs to work more than half of a meet. Please, if you have not signed up for a job, go to sign up genius and find a job. We often have trouble filling second-half jobs -- remember, the second half is cooler than the first! A little known secret is that the second half is halfway through the number of events, but has far fewer heats (freestyle is the most time-consuming event), so it's shorter than the first half.
We are also looking for parents willing to serve on the parents' board. This entails one poolside meeting a week (Thursday evenings), and a handful of meetings during the late winter and early spring. It's fun and friendly and a great way for parents to contribute who have trouble working during meets due to young children.
As usual, please opt-out of the next meet by 11 on Friday. Also, are you having trouble finding an email with important information? All the group emails are archived at groups.google.com Navigate there and sign in with the email at which you receive these emails.
To OPT OUT of a meet: http://tinyurl.com/
Directions to meets: http://www.jsl.org/teams.htm
After Meet 1
Hello Swordfish families and swimmers!
To sign up for meet-related jobs: http://www.signupgenius.com/ go/10C0C48A4A82DA02-parent
To OPT OUT of a meet: http://tinyurl.com/ swordfishsignup
Directions to meets: http://www.jsl.org/teams.htm
Team blog: http://cvilleswimteam. blogspot.com/
We made it through the first home meet. Thanks to everyone for rallying to attend the rescheduled meet and hanging in through the weather uncertainty. And a huge thanks to all the coaches for their incredibly hard work and to all the parents who pitched in to help. And of course, good swimming swimmers! In this email, there is information about the upcoming meet, answers to questions that you may have, and some team news.
When & where is the next meet? We'll be swimming against Boar's Head Swim Club at Boar's Head next Wednesday June 19. Specific information about what time to be there will be in the email that usually goes out on Monday.
Meanwhile, what do I need to do? Please use the OPT OUT link to let the coaches know if your child CANNOT swim next week. Note that the link in the handbook is incorrect. Note that directions to all the swim clubs are available there, as is a lot of other information to basic questions you may have.
Additionally, please use Signup Genius to sign up for each meet. We have a lot of families this year. (Yay!) If everyone signs up to work part of the meet, we should have plenty of help. If you're new and not sure how stuff works, signing up for a job is a great way to start figuring it out! Feel free to email to ask questions as well.
We need as soon as possible a parent willing to manage ads for the Champs heatsheets. This person preferably has basic computer graphic skills and can create reasonable ads from the artwork provided (Nothing too fancy! just someone with any of the graphic programs would be great). There is support available so please don't be shy!
Swordfish swim towels: Have you been coveting the beautiful blue towels with our logo and kids' names on them that many swimmers have? They are again available for order. Leah Foradori will be taking orders at practices and the next meet.
So what IS the inclement weather policy? The decision to stop or cancel a meet rests with the meet directors (home and visiting) acting in consultation. The first consideration is of course the safety of the swimmers and families. (Remember, meet directors kids are in the meet and are standing there with everyone else. They are as concerned about safety as everyone!) Secondarily is the consideration of completing as much of the meet as possible to do safely. The JSL by-laws require that .
The Host Team Meet Director in conference with the Visiting Team Meet Director(s) shall be responsible for making and implementing all decisions regarding weather issues. Generally accepted electronic lightning and weather monitoring devices must be used to assist in those decisions. In the event of thunder or lightning (including “heat” lightning) or rain hard enough to obscure the bottom of the pool as observed by lifeguard(s), Referee, or any Meet Director, the Meet Director(s) or Referee shall immediately stop the meet and clear the pool of all swimmers. In the case of thunder or lightning, everyone will also be cleared from the deck and directed to safe shelter until at least 30 minutes have passed since thunder or lightning were last observed. The meet may not be resumed until after this 30 minute period has passed as determined by the Meet Directors. Each team shall have a plan for clearing its pool area which fits its structure and safe shelter availability. The host's team's pool management policy will prevail if more strict than League policy
The NOAA weather radio is constantly monitored in during meets for lightening, high wind, and other advisories. We are lucky too that a swim team parent, Jeff Boyer, monitors weather conditions for UVA athletics. He was very helpful in making it clear that for our local area, despite the widespread warnings being broadcast for the wider area last night, the severe weather would likely pass us by early and allow the meet to go on. The City strictly follows the JSL guidelines for weather safety. However, it is rare that a meet is cancelled early because of weather. More often, the meet will go on as scheduled, even if it means clearing the pool and deck for periods of time during the meet. In the absence of an email stating that the meet is cancelled, assume that it is happening.
Finally, some sad news. I am sorry to let you know that Coach Andrea's mother passes away Tuesday evening. We will pass along information as it because available about where flowers or donations could be sent. http://www.legacy.com/ obituaries/roanoke/obituary. aspx?n=shirl-o-rupert&pid= 165297188&fhid=5754# fbLoggedOut
Looking forward to continuing the great start to the swim season .... GO SWORDFISH!
To OPT OUT of a meet: http://tinyurl.com/
Directions to meets: http://www.jsl.org/teams.htm
Team blog: http://cvilleswimteam.
New date for first Meet!
We are getting off to quite a start to the swim season:
Our first meet had to be rescheduled to THURSDAY June 13 due to circumstances beyond the team's control. We'll need all hands on deck to make sure the word gets out, and to get all the volunteers we need for this meet. You may have already received an email through sign-up genius. Please confirm that you can work THURSDAY night.
Additionally, we are swimming against the Elks. They have a small team and have difficulty filling all the volunteer slots as a result. However, our team is 4.5 times bigger than theirs, so we should easily have the capacity to handle this! The number of jobs, especially timers, has been increased for that meet as a result. Please take a look at the website and sign up if you can!
As per our usual protocol, please go to the 'opt out' sign up if your swimmers CANNOT join us next Thursday! We will need that information by Friday so that the meet can be seeded by the coaches before the JSL deadline. Opt out here.
Our first meet had to be rescheduled to THURSDAY June 13 due to circumstances beyond the team's control. We'll need all hands on deck to make sure the word gets out, and to get all the volunteers we need for this meet. You may have already received an email through sign-up genius. Please confirm that you can work THURSDAY night.
Additionally, we are swimming against the Elks. They have a small team and have difficulty filling all the volunteer slots as a result. However, our team is 4.5 times bigger than theirs, so we should easily have the capacity to handle this! The number of jobs, especially timers, has been increased for that meet as a result. Please take a look at the website and sign up if you can!
As per our usual protocol, please go to the 'opt out' sign up if your swimmers CANNOT join us next Thursday! We will need that information by Friday so that the meet can be seeded by the coaches before the JSL deadline. Opt out here.
Next Sign Up and Parent Board Members Needed
Last night we had a great turnout and it was great to see everyone. If you didn’t get a chance to register last night the NEXT opportunity to register for the swim team is Tuesday, May 28th at 4pm at Washington Park pool.
Thanks to everyone who stepped up to help out with our many volunteer positions. We could still use some parents on our Parents' Board. Meetings have typically been held during an evening practice during the swim season, with perhaps a meeting or two before the first meet. The Board coordinates the work of swim team (all those volunteer jobs!) so that our coaches can focus on coaching and does important things like choosing and paying for the coaches' gifts and other work to support the coaches and swimmers. If you're interested, reply to this email.
If you didn't get a chance to sign up for summer jobs, the link is below -- do it quick before someone gets the job you like best!
Sign up for meet-related jobs
OPT OUT of a meet
Directions to meets
Go Swordfish!
Thanks to everyone who stepped up to help out with our many volunteer positions. We could still use some parents on our Parents' Board. Meetings have typically been held during an evening practice during the swim season, with perhaps a meeting or two before the first meet. The Board coordinates the work of swim team (all those volunteer jobs!) so that our coaches can focus on coaching and does important things like choosing and paying for the coaches' gifts and other work to support the coaches and swimmers. If you're interested, reply to this email.
If you didn't get a chance to sign up for summer jobs, the link is below -- do it quick before someone gets the job you like best!
Sign up for meet-related jobs
OPT OUT of a meet
Directions to meets
Go Swordfish!
Swordfish Leadership Positions
As we get ready for the new season, we want to invite parents to take on leadership positions with the team. As you know, it takes a lot of parents to make a meet run smoothly. Some of the parent positions require some training. We need to identify parents willing to take a few hours for the training and certification to make sure that we have enough volunteers to cover all of the positions needed. We'd love to have new parents step up and help out. It's a great way to get involved with the team. We need meet directors, computer operators, stroke & turn judges, head of table, and starters. If you are interested in any of those positions, please reply to this email (It won't go to everyone!) Training information about some of these positions is at the bottom of the email. We can get you information about others.
Additionally, we will be hold elections via email for new parent board members. Please speak up if you'd like to be treasurer, president, vice president or secretary by replying to this email. It's a fun way to get involved. More information will come out about this in the next week.
Finally, EVERY can sign up for swim meet volunteer positions starting now! It helps enormously if you can go ahead and sign up for the summer. That saves the volunteer coordinator's time in making sure all the positions are filled, and gives you the ability to make sure you get your favorite job.
Additionally, we will be hold elections via email for new parent board members. Please speak up if you'd like to be treasurer, president, vice president or secretary by replying to this email. It's a fun way to get involved. More information will come out about this in the next week.
Finally, EVERY can sign up for swim meet volunteer positions starting now! It helps enormously if you can go ahead and sign up for the summer. That saves the volunteer coordinator's time in making sure all the positions are filled, and gives you the ability to make sure you get your favorite job.
Time to sign up for the City Swordfish!
I am excited about the summer season ahead! We will be having our parent orientation and the first opportunity to register at 6:00pm on May 15th at Washington Park Pool.
We will be offering a team suit through Rivanna Gear again this year. You can go to the store and purchase a suit now or wait until the 15th when Susan Turner (from Rivanna Gear) will be at our meeting.
With our ever growing team, discussions have taken place to safeguard the total number allowed to register due to overcrowding – especially in the evenings. We expect many new swimmers to join our team. This past year 46 new swimmers joined our team – this type of increase is expected again. Please make every attempt to register early.
May 15th is the first opportunity to register and then again during practices ONLY at Washington Park. We are excited to have new members, but once we hit the maximum limit, registration will be closed. We would hate to have to turn away old members!
Looking forward to seeing each of you and seeing how much the kids have grown this past year!
Coach Andrea
We will be offering a team suit through Rivanna Gear again this year. You can go to the store and purchase a suit now or wait until the 15th when Susan Turner (from Rivanna Gear) will be at our meeting.
With our ever growing team, discussions have taken place to safeguard the total number allowed to register due to overcrowding – especially in the evenings. We expect many new swimmers to join our team. This past year 46 new swimmers joined our team – this type of increase is expected again. Please make every attempt to register early.
May 15th is the first opportunity to register and then again during practices ONLY at Washington Park. We are excited to have new members, but once we hit the maximum limit, registration will be closed. We would hate to have to turn away old members!
Looking forward to seeing each of you and seeing how much the kids have grown this past year!
Coach Andrea
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